Quotes correspondence concerning the deposit of the author of the book to the Greek Parliament!
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Quotes correspondence concerning the deposit of the author of the book to the Greek Parliament!Quotes correspondence concerning the deposit of the author of the book to the Greek Parliament!Quotes correspondence concerning the deposit of the author of the book to the Greek Parliament!

To the Chairman of the Hellenic Parliament Mr. E. Meimarakis                                                          7-1-2014 (Greece) -                     

Mr President
  Today I am sending you my book, accompanied by a letter, which except  of the other reports under your authorization, refer your Bureau in notifying and informing the parliament!

  Please apart of any terms and your judgment about it, we hope that as a modern textbook will represent you and yourself with the positions and proposals, I suggest you focus on pages 124-129 as in p. 278. After that, regardless of whether an institutional your requirement or not please thinke like a Greek man first and then as president of the parliament, inform our congressmen about the content of these pages, because as you can see present National positions and claims that concern them and should know since they are representatives of our people!

Thank you very much indeed

With great respect
Anagnostou Vasilis

Author of the book "21st CENTURY - The Schism of the peoples and the modern Renaissance!" Versions Livanis, January 2014

PS:  This book was also sent with cover letters to the President of the Greek Republic, to the Prime Minister, the main opposition party, the Party of Greens - Greens, the MEP. M. Commissioner Damanaki the EU, the MEP. M. Glezos, to the Association of Judges and Prosecutors Athens to Patras and President Appeals to the Bar in Athens and Patras clubs. Finally and to Mikis Theodorakis, one of the country's most important citizens!


From the Special Secretariat Speaker    infowar@parliament.gr                                                                                                    20-2-2014

Sir Anagnostou,

We would like to inform you that we informed all the parliamentary groups of the parties in Parliament on the issue of your book and sent them all the relevant pages you focus.

Your book also is registered in the parliament library and we send you the reference number of the entry.

Yours sincerely
Spyros Kotsonis.

Head of the Special Secretariat of the President House

*** Also accompanied by the relevant competent. Entry. 0011401315 in of the Parliament library!


In the Special Secretariat President of the Parliament                                                                                                                20.02.2014

  Dear sir Kotsoroni,

I received your reply and thank you.

Please transfer my very cordial greetings to the President of Parliament Mr. E. Meimarakis and all officers, as well as my thanks!

Always with respect

 The author
Anagnostou Vasilis

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